Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Doing Soft Labor - 1272 Words

Doing Soft Labor When women, particularly young mothers, get together, occasionally the conversation will drift toward childbirth. You hear stories of long labors, mistakes made by doctors or nurses, cesarean sections, excruciating pain, complications, and so forth. Mothers are always eager to tell their horror story and will inform you of all the stories of friends and relatives, but sometimes, someone will come up with the story of the incredibly quick labor; and the woman who experiences that labor quickly becomes the envy, and most hated, of the group. Fortunately, I have been that woman twice, and frankly Im proud of it, labor was one of the easiest tasks Ive ever accomplished! It was around May of 1991 that my husband and†¦show more content†¦Not wanting to take any chances, I decided it would be best to inform my husband and rolled over to tell him the anticipated phrase, Honey, its time. Amazingly, he returned with, Well breathe, and fell back asleep! Figuring the pains were just my imagination, I let him be, got up, called my mom, left a message at work, and watched TV in the living room. Mom showed up two hours later and, after watching me wince in pain for two more hours, decided that, even though Dr. Rodermund told me to hold off coming in for awhile, it was time. She called the doctor back to tell them we were coming in, woke my husband, and drove us to Dr. Rodermunds office. Dr. Rodermund was reluctant to see me; my contractions were not steady and nowhere near five minutes apart, but took me in right away. Now, I want you to know that I felt pretty ridiculous because even I didnt think I was in actual labor yet, but who really wants to argue with their mom? So here I am in the examination room, nervous as heck, and a little embarrassed, when Dr. Rotermund looks at me, laughing, and asks me how I am feeling and how I got here. I answer with fine and my mom drove me only to be hit with a statement that is clear as a bell in my mind to this day. Get to the hospital right away and dont sneeze. You are fully dilated!. I was so amazed at what he was telling me, that, like him, all I could do wasShow MoreRelatedThe Actors Of Micro Environment1550 Words   |  7 PagesNasional Sdn Bhd, Indah Water Konsortium (Government Publics) †¢ Malaysian Citizens (General Publics) †¢ Coca-Cola employees, Coca-Cola distributors, Coca-Cola shareholders (Internal Publics) Q2 Macro Environment Macro Environment Carbonated Soft Drink Natural Change The news states that Malaysia is facing flood at the end of 2013. This extreme natural change affects a lot of people in Malaysia, which can even affect their daily activities. 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